The bird scarer gun is a simple yet highly effective solution to scare away the birds and kangaroos from your property.
Whether its ducks, starlings, cockatoos, parrots, corellas, lorikeets and more our LPG powered bird scare cannons are here to help!
- Maximize your harvest every season
-Â Stop birds eating your profits
- Proven Results
- Highly effective and easy to use
- Effective operating radius ranges from 1 to 7 acres
- Approx. 17,500 detonations from a LPG tank
- Interval between shots adjustable from 1 minute to approx. 25 minutes
- Designed and made in Europe
How It Works
Our Bird Scare Cannon works with a LPG gas tank.
The blast intervals can be set between 30 seconds and 30 minutes, while the telescoping barrel allows you to set the sound frequency anywhere from 110–125 decibels.